
In 2017 my publications transitioned from mostly academic articles to mostly short news stories for the NB Media Co-op, a member-run organization. I’ve written more than 100 short stories on labour, feminist, political and environmental issues for the Co-op; you can read them here.

All my other publications since 1994 are listed on this page. These include academic and research publications as well as news and magazine articles in publications other than the NB Media Co-op. Scroll down and click on the publication title to open a pdf in a new page – to read or download.

Most of my research publications are co-written with graduate students, partners, collaborators and community collaborators. Thank you – meegwetch – woliwon – to all my co-authors.

To find a particular publication, you can search for a word in the title. You can also sort the list by year or by type of publication (journal article, book chapter, book, report, conference paper and proceedings, news, magazine).

You are welcome to email me If you would like to discuss any of my work.

YearTypeTitleCover image
2023bookBargaining Forward: The story of the CUPE strike in New Brunswick
2023newsLesson from Fukushima: Collusion in the Nuclear Domain
2023newsMoltex's Nuclear Ransom Note Should be Rejected
2023newsShouldn’t a new and experimental reactor deserve a federal impact assessment?
2023newsWishful thinking about nuclear energy won't get us to net zero
2022newsPlutonium is plutonium, period, and separating it increases nuclear proliferation risks
2022newsWill expanding Canada’s plutonium interests support the peaceful use of nuclear energy?
2022newsTroublemaking: more questions about Canada’s plutonium funding and nuclear weapons proliferation
2021bookLetters from the Future: How New Brunswickers Confronted Climate Change and Redefined Progress
2021newsA nuclear startup company could undermine Canada’s global non-proliferation policy: experts
2020journal articleLeadership for Climate Change Adaptation in a Rural Region in New Brunswick, Canada
2020newsWho should lead Canada’s public consultation on federal
radioactive waste policy?
2020newsRadioactive waste: a big problem for New Brunswick’s proposed new nuclear reactors
2019journal articleManufacturing Consent for an Extractive Regime in Rural New Brunswick, Canada
2018journal articleA “whole-community” approach for sustainable digital
infrastructure in remote and Northern First Nations
2018reportWomen in Public Sector Science: From Analysis to Action
2017book chapterEngaging remote marginalized communities using appropriate online research methods
2016conference paper or proceedingsDigital Technology Adoption in Remote and Northern Indigenous Communities in Canada
2016journal articleToward a Sociology of the Reconciliation of Conflicting Desires
2016journal articleDigital Skills: Unlocking the Information Society (Book Review)
2016published research reportSupporting Indigenous Language and Cultural Resurgence with Digital Technologies
2015book chapterKeewaytinook mobile: An Indigenous community-owned mobile phone service in northern Canada
2015conference paper or proceedingsSituational Ethics: Rethinking Approaches to Formal Ethics Requirements for Human-Computer Interaction
2014journal articleMaking Information Technologies Work at the End of the Road
2014journal articleFieldwork with Vulnerable Populations
2014journal articleAn Inquiry into Community Members’ Use and Attitudes Toward Technology in Mishkeegogamang Tepacimowin Networks
2014journal articlePost-secondary Distance Education in a Contemporary Colonial Context: Experiences of Students in a Rural First Nation in Canada
2014journal articleInformation and Communication Technology for Education in an Algonquin First Nation in Quebec
2014journal articleSocial Media in Remote First Nation Communities
2014journal articleDeveloping an e-Community Approach to Community Services in Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg First Nation
2014journal articleThe First Mile Approach to Community Services in Fort Severn First Nation
2013conference paper or proceedingsFace-to-Faces Work: Audience Response to First Nations Social Movement Videos
2013conference paper or proceedingsBalancing Formal Ethics Requirements and the Practicalities of a Field Study with Vulnerable Populations
2013journal articleNurses’ perceptions and attitudes towards new ADU technology and use
2013journal articleFactors Affecting Nurses’ Attitudes Toward an Automated Dispensing Unit: A Cross Sectional Quantitative Study
2013journal articleVideoconferencing for First Nations Community-Controlled Education, Health and Development
2013journal articleHow Women in Remote and Rural First Nation Communities are Using Information and Communications Technologies
2012conference paper or proceedingsA History of Communication by Fort Severn First Nation Community Members: From Hand Deliveries to Virtual Pokes
2012conference paper or proceedingsCo-creating community narratives: how researchers are engaging First Nation community members to co-write publications
2012conference paper or proceedingsDemocratic Ideals Meet Reality: Developing Locally Owned and Managed Broadband Networks and ICT Services in Rural and Remote First Nations in Quebec and Canada
2012conference paper or proceedingsHow First Nation Residents in Remote and Rural Communities in Ontario’s Far North are using ICT and Online Services Supported by Keewaytinook Okimakanak
2012journal articleOlder Adults and Video Communications: A Case Study
2012journal articleStaying Socially Connected with Video Communication: A Case Study
2011conference paper or proceedingCommunicating Health Information with Online Videos
2011journal articleA New Remote Community-Owned Wireless Communication Service: Fort Severn First Nation Builds Their Local Cellular System with Keewaytinook Mobile
2011journal articleConversations on telemental health: listening to remote and rural First Nations communities
2011journal articleCommunication Technologies for Focus Groups with Remote Communities: A Case Study of Research with First Nations in Canada
2011journal articleTo use or not to use: Clinicians’ perceptions of telemental health
2011journal articleDigital Divides and the ‘First Mile’: Framing First Nations Broadband Development in Canada
2011journal articleMental health professionals’ perspectives of telemental health with remote and rural First Nations communities
2011published research reportVideoconferencing User- Guide for Teachers and Students Participating in Post-Secondary Education Courses in Remote and Rural First Nations Communities
2011published research reportPost-Secondary Distance Education for First Nations, Métis and Inuit Learners Living in Remote and Rural Communities: An Annotated Bibliography
2010book chapterA Framework for Analyzing Social Interaction using Broadband Visual Communication Technologies
2010book chapterVideoconferencing in Remote and Rural First Nations Communities
2010conference paper or proceedingsInformation and Communication Technologies (ICT) and Remote and Rural First Nations Communities: An Overview
2010published research reportPutting the ‘last-mile’ first: Re-framing broadband development in First Nations and Inuit communities
2010published research reportInformation and Communication Technologies to Support Health and Wellness in Remote and Rural First Nations Communities: Literature Review
2009book chapterCommunity-based broadband organizations and video communications in remote and rural First Nations in Canada
2009conference paper or proceedingsClinicians’ Attitudes toward the Use of Information and Communication Technologies for Mental Health Services in Remote and Rural Areas
2009conference paper or proceedingsICT and Health and Wellness in Remote and Rural First Nation Communities: A Social Determinants of Health Perspective
2009conference paper or proceedingsNew Media and Self-Determination: Publicly Made and Accessible Video and Remote and Rural First Nation Communities
2009conference paper or proceedingsThe Benefits of Perceived Ease of Use and Usefulness in Multi-Site Videoconferencing
2009conference paper or proceedingsPerspective Taking and Attitude Change Among Adolescent Participants Using Video Technologies: A Case Study
2009conference paper or proceedingsPatient Portals 2.0: The Potential for Online Video
2009journal articleHow K-Net and Atlantic Canada’s First Nation Help Desk are using videoconferencing for community development
2009journal articleThe use of Virtual Reality in the Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
2009journal articleVideo Communication Roadblocks Facing Remote Indigenous Communities
2009journal articleOut from the edges: multi-site videoconferencing as a public sphere in First Nations
2009magazineAnalysis: YouTube and Gender
2009published research reportInformation and Communication Technologies for Assessing and Treating Operational Stress Injury
2009published research reportPatient Portal Technologies
2008conference paper or proceedingsVideoconferencing and Sustainable Development for Remote and Rural First Nations in Canada
2008conference paper or proceedingsParticipatory Videoconferencing for Groups
2008conference paper or proceedingsChallenges of Conducting Participatory User-Centred ICT Research With a Health Organisation
2008conference paper or proceedingsUser-generated Online Video: The Next Public Sphere?
2008conference paper or proceedingsReacting to YouTube Videos: Exploring Differences Among User Groups
2008journal articleUser-generated video and the online public sphere: Will YouTube facilitate digital freedom of expression in Atlantic Canada?
2008journal articleExploring the Gender Divide on YouTube: An Analysis of the Creation and Reception of Vlogs
2008magazineVideoconferencing Connects Remote Communities
2008published research reportAttitudes Toward and Use of Video Communications by Educators in First Nation Schools in Atlantic Canada
2007conference paper or proceedingsCommunity Intermediary Organizations, Community Media and Networking, and the Internet
2007journal articleThe Project Funding Regime: Complications for Community Organizations and their Staff
2007journal articleCode of Ethics for Community Informatics Researchers
2007published research reportGood Practice Guidelines for Participatory Multi-Site Videoconferencing
2006conference paper or proceedingsCanada’s Technology-Centric Workfare On-Line Employment Services
2006conference paper or proceedingsServing Canadians Better On-Line? International Association of Media and Communications Researchers
2006conference paper or proceedingsCommunity Media and Networking and ICT
2006conference paper or proceedingsTurning Municipal Video Surveillance Cameras into Municipal Webcams
2006published research reportCommunity Intermediaries in the Knowledge Society
2005conference paper or proceedingsExploring Approaches to Engage First Nations in ICT Research: Examining the Insider-Outsider Spectrum
2005conference paper or proceedingsCommunity-Oriented Technology Assessment
2005conference paper or proceedingsResearch on ICT with Aboriginal Communities: Report from RICTA 2005
2005journal articleIT Education and Training for Disadvantaged Students: Lessons from Europe
2005published research reportResearch on ICT with Aboriginal Communities: Report of the Founding RICTA Meeting
2004conference paper or proceedingse-Inclusion and Internet Access in Ireland
2004conference paper or proceedingsSustaining an online information network for non-profit organisations: the case of Community Exchange
2004published research reportICT for Social Communication by Seniors Aging in Place
2003book chapterCivil Society Organisations and an Inclusive Information Society in Europe
2003journal articleNews Consumption in Ireland and the European Union: Traditional Media vs. The Internet
2003published research reporteInclusion: Expanding the Information Society in Ireland
2003published research reportBuilding the Information Society in Europe: A Pathway Approach to Employment Interventions for Disadvantaged Groups
2003published research reportThe European Computer Driving License in Ireland: Impact Study
2002conference paper or proceedingsInternet use and policy in the European Union and implications for eDemocracy
2002conference paper or proceedingsConnected Communities - An Overview. Community Applications of Information Technology
2002published research reportA Website for Newcomers to Ireland and Ethnic Minority Communities in Ireland: Feasibility Study Report
2001book chapterInterventions for Sustainable Employment in the Information Society for Disadvantaged Groups
2001conference paper or proceedingsThe Internet in Ireland: Patterns of Consumer Use, Projections for Future Use, and Implications for the Public Sphere
2001journal articleAnalysing the Internet and the Public Sphere: The Case of Womenslink
2001published research reportTowards an Inclusive Information Society in Europe: The Role of Voluntary Organisations
2000book chapterEvaluating social aspects of Internet development
2000dissertationSmall media, big network: Alternative media and social movements on the Internet
2000magazineWomenslink and Interview with Patricia Donald
2000newsFighting for the online vote
2000newsReliable data may be old news by the time you read it
2000newsClosing the digital divide
1999book chapterVoluntary and community organizations in Ireland's information society
1999newsNet gains not evenly shared
1999newsFear and loathing in cyberspace
1999published research reportAfter Tramlines One: Long-term outcomes of a community-based training programme in professional IT qualifications for unemployed people
1998book chapterResponses to Social Disadvantage in the Information Society
1998magazineClosing the information gap
1998published research reportWeak Connections: Final report of the research project The Voluntary Sector in the Information Age
1997journal articleThe Internet and Democratic Participation: Uses of ICTs by Voluntary and Community Organisations in Ireland
1996book chapterLevels of Internet Use: Where Are We Now?
1996magazineVoluntary sector may miss out in the Information Society
1996magazineHuman Rights on the Net
1996published research reportOnline Options: Needs and Benefits Study for the Combat Poverty Agency
1995dissertationSolidarity on the Internet: A Study of Electronic Mailing Lists
1995journal articleUsing the Internet to Strengthen the Indigenous Nations of the Americas
1994magazineIn search of the arts lane on the information superhighway
1994magazineAccess to the information superhighway: An interview with artist Sara Diamond